80% investors make below average returns because they invest when the market is highly priced with a 3 - 5 year horizon.
We see that investors who invest with a 10 year horizon, have a higher potential to make good returns by staying invested.
The PE scale serves as an objective measure of how pricey the markets are at a given point in time. It shows the investor how much he is paying for every rupee of earnings.
If investing in the RED ZONE, keep a 10 year+ horizon
Invest in the GREEN & YELLOW ZONE, if looking at a shorter horizon
Past 1 Yr Return | P/E | 3 Yr Return | 5 Yr Return | 10 Yr Return |
-2.5 | <16 | 28.9% | 29% | 17.9% |
Historical data shows that inspite of poor near term return investors who displayed courage and temperament end up with good 3 – 5 year return
Past 1 Yr Return | P/E | 3 Yr Return | 5 Yr Return | 10 Yr Return |
16.5 | 16-19 | 18.2% | 19.2% | 15.4 |
Investors look at moderate returns and end up with reasonable 3 – 5 year return
Past 1 Yr Return | P/E | 3 Yr Return | 5 Yr Return | 10 Yr Return |
30.2 | 19 | 3.3% | 7.8% | 14.3 |
Investors look at moderate returns and end up with reasonable 3 – 5 year return