It’s quite difficult to choose a
suitable Mutual Fund Scheme
Mutual Fund Scheme is a Vehicle towards your
Financial Freedom
The vehicle you choose depends on 2 things
If your goal is big Like ...
And you have enough time in hand
are a better way to Travel
Longer the duration, lesser the Risk
Potential of higher Returns
But for Short term Goals Like ...
Debt schemes are good to Travel
Low Risk Steady Returns Short Duration
Car for longer duration
Bike for short duration
Don’t forget to look at your Goal
Before you Select the scheme
And select a Fund house which is Trustworthy
Disclaimer : is an online website owned by Mr. Ashish Verma Registered with AMFI vide ARN No. 72602 as a Fund distributor. The said website is just an electronic presentation of financial planning for self help by investors. This site should not be treated as a financial advisory website as we do not charge for any calculation or results produced here. The website do not guarantees any returns or financial goal success by any means.